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Will Drafting Services

A professionally drafted will ensures that an estate is easily distributed to your nominated beneficiaries. This is an essential document required by people wishing to avoid the rules of intestacy.

It is important to have a will because it provides:

  • Freedom of testation, which allows you the freedom to nominate heirs of your choosing.
  • An executor, which allows you the ability to appoint an executor of your choice.
  • Consideration for all marital regimes and their impact.
  • Bond of security, which means your will includes a clause that exempts your nominated executor from furnishing security.

At Legatee Trust Services we offer professional will drafting services, tailor-made to suit our clients’ unique needs.

Deceased Estate Administration Services

An executor’s function incorporates many different legal, accounting, taxation, financial planning, process management, and even behavioural psychology business functions, and fundamentally requires the executor to act ethically, with integrity, and be dedicated to the job at hand: administering the deceased estate.

Legatee Trust Services are experts in deceased estate administration and offer a bespoke service to all our clients. We ensure seamless and end-to-end administration.

Trust Administration Services

Trusts come in different guises, but all have four key components:

  • the Property, comprising the property and assets held in the trust.
  • the Founder, which is the creator of the Trust.
  • the Beneficiaries, those who benefit from the trust property.
  • the Trustees, those who manage the trust property on behalf of the beneficiaries.

Legatee Trust Services are experts in trustee and trust administration services. We offer a bespoke service to all our clients.

Estate Planning Services

Estate planning is an important step to take during your lifetime so that you, your family, and other beneficiaries may enjoy, and continue to enjoy, the maximum from your estate and your assets during your lifetime and after your death.

Benefits of Estate Planning are as follows:

  • Financial flexibility;
  • Minimisation of all taxes;
  • Provision of liquidity;
  • Protection against insolvency and inflation;
  • Facilitation of estate administration;
  • Protection of assets in the case of marriages in community of property; and
  • Privacy

We have the necessary skills and capabilities to help you draft a comprehensive estate plan.

Will Storage Services

We offer FREE will storage facilities. All original wills are stored in a vault that is fireproof and waterproof. In addition, an original, signed copy is stored offsite.

Deceased Estate and Trust Tax Compliance Services

It is important to bear in mind that SARS has first claim to what is rightfully owing to them. The executor, who will effectively step into the deceased’s shoes, is responsible for submitting tax returns to SARS, and to make sure that all tax returns are up to date – including any tax years that are outstanding prior to date of death (which can often lead to delays in winding up the estate). In such circumstances, the executor will have to comply with all regulatory requirements to gain access to tax profile and thereafter request tax certificates and IRP5s from applicable institutions and submit them to SARS.

We are specialists in deceased estate and trust tax compliance.